31 July, 2009

Nokia 'N97 Mini' Surfaces

Here's an odd one...

Following years of speculation that Apple would release a smaller version of the iPhone (then iPhone 3G, then iPhone 3GS), Nokia looks to have silently gone about making a smaller N97.

Dubbed the 'N97 Mini' by leaks, the shrunken smartphone looks virtually identical to its bigger brother except for the removal of the d-pad and sliding camera cover. Whether the primary specifications (3G, aGPS, WiFi, 5MP camera, 32GB native memory, microSD expansion slot) all translate remains to be seen.

What is beyond doubt is slicing something off those portly 117.2 x 55.3 x 15.9 mm (18.25 mm at the camera) dimensions and 150g weight would be appealing to pockets everywhere. Personally however, I'd say cutting off the keyboard on the original and adding a capacitive screen would be the more logical way to approach this.

Either way, Nokia security is barely any better than RIM's infamous sugar glass gates so expect a confirmation on the N97 Mini's existence or otherwise within the next few weeks...
via Engadget


danny_buoy on August 1, 2009 at 8:50 AM said...

hey buddy thats intresting

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