Dell has confirmed it's still on course to release its own smartphones and says it's in talks with networks to assess what they need from such a device.
Roland Garriques, speaking at an analysts conference today, said the company would "work with the top three or four" networks and "see what their needs are".
The smartphone won't be a one-off device either, with screen sizes between four and 12 inches helping make a new range.
Netbook eating your face
It's likely that these will be handsets with 3G capabilities built in, rather than functioning as 'stereotypical' phones. We draw this assumption basically because you'd look ridiculous holding a netbook-size device to your head.
The rumours of Dell's intended plans have been ebbing and flowing for quite some time now, with many stating it will work with Android not only for a phone but also a netbook as well.
However, the consensus appears to be the company will enter the Mobile Internet Device arena with its devices, meaning a range of multi-connected touchscreen gadgets with grand internet capabilities (we hope).
Via Celluar news
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