15 July, 2009

Google Voice for Android & BlackBerry in US

Google has announced its Google Voice App for Android and BlackBerry, meaning you can use the service on your mobile, but only in the US.

This means callers will see your Google Voice number (the one that collates all your work, home and mobile accounts and directs them through a number of your choosing) on their screen when you call.

The service, which was previously Grand Central until a few years ago when Google bought it out, is only available by invitation only, so the App can only be had by those who have already been accepted (and Google is currently processing a huge backlog of applications at the moment).

See your own voice

Users of the service will also get transcribed voicemail on their phone, with the words highlighted as they're being said, in a kind of karaoke stylee.

Vincent Paquet, manager of Google Voice, confirmed that Google and Apple are working on a version of the service, which also brings low cost international calls thanks to some internet routing, for the iPhone, but it's still a work in progress.

We applied to be members of Google Voice what seems like aeons ago, so if you're still waiting for acceptance so you can use this App (which is US only at the moment) you may be left hanging for a bit longer.


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